Frequently Asked Questions


How to Place Order?

it's simple. we have provided buy now button on product page. just click on it. you will be redirected to checkout page. fill in your name and address details city, state, and country. choose shipping mode. click on confirm button. depending on payment option you choose you will be redirected to the payment page. make payment via credit or debit card, UPI, wallet, or net banking, and you are done.


How to Cancel my order?

You can cancel your order by login to your fashiondeal account and use order cancel button or you can contact us with your order number to cancel the order.


What is Free size?

One size fits all is called free size. All the dresses with free size options required stitching or alteration to wear them. a dress can be stitched up to a particular size which we mentioned in product description on product page. you could make free-size dress stitched according to your measurements from your tailor.


What is Return Policy?

For customer satisfaction, we allow 7-day return. Customers need to send the product back to the seller on their own. Once seller receives the product back we provide a refund as Store Credit which is usable in the next purchase. for more details visit Return Policy page.


How to Exchange my Order?

Kindly drop email on fashiondeal.in@gmail.com to request exchange within 7 days after delivery. Our support team will guide you through the exchange process.


What are Product Details?

We provided all product information like fabric details, sizes, and colors along with original product pictures on the product page. kindly check in the product description tab available on the product page.
Do you Ship Outside India?
Yes, we ship to almost all countries. 
How Many Days Delivery Takes?
Within India, it takes 4-7 days. Outside India, it takes 15-20 days. However, in exceptional cases, it can take some more business days.

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